Yuki’s Garden is a peaceful place for reflection.
Students in Primary through Middle School programs are continually working on their emotional health. On Mondays, students participate in ‘Tune-in‘ class with a trained Yoga teacher, Erin Galbraith. Ms. Galbraith teaches the children mindful meditation, reminding children to become aware of their inner self-control. The practice carries over to their daily ability to understand themselves and their emotional reactions in social situations within the class room community.
In, most programs students have weekly meetings where children have a chance to discuss feelings, air grievances politely, share joyfully, and connect to community. By middle school, the meeting is led by an 8th grade student. Students take turns acknowledge each other and going over schedules and events. Students use their self-reflective insights to determine long-term goals for themselves, creating strategies to reach their long-term goals. Each week students check in with their goals to evaluate how they have progressed. Each student is known and appreciated for his/her strengths and challenges by the teachers. Each student continues to learn about themselves and others in embracing differences and respect deserved for each individual.
Here is a link to a related article in The Atlantic Daily, The Psychological Approach to Educating Kids