Classroom Holiday Celebrations
- PRIMARY: We encourage families of Primary children to participate in the Parent Association’s Holiday Giving Drive by purchasing a gift to donate to The Children’s Home Society of New Jersey or to donate a pair of mittens, gloves, or a hat for the CYO of New Jersey.
- ELEMENTARY: The teachers assign the children secret pals. Elementary students are asked to bring in a labeled and gift-wrapped paperback book to exchange with their secret pal. Students should bring in their books by Thursday, December 10 so that the books can be “quarantined” for a week (Book value for Lower Elementary should be between $5-$10 and for Upper Elementary between $10-$20)
- Lower Elementary will be learning the history of the holidays and making a winter-themed craft.
- MIDDLE SCHOOL: The Middle School students will have a “white elephant” exchange. Students will purchase (preferably with their own money) a $20 gift that anyone in middle school could use. (We are stressing the ability to use the item rather than have it be a gag gift). Gifts should be wrapped and brought in by Tuesday, Dec 15 and the gift exchange will take place on Friday, Dec 18.