We are incredibly proud of our virus mitigation efforts and that we’ve made it through September with no incident of coronavirus infection in our community. Thank you for doing your part to keep the community safe!
Thanks to the generous support of our PMonts community, we were able to add another layer of protection for our students by purchasing plexiglass dividers for each classroom. When we need to come inside due to the weather, in addition to children sharing a table being three feet or more apart, each child will be separated from the other child by a plexiglass screen. Thank you for making this a possibility!
The dividers add additional protection by:
1) intercepting the respiratory droplets that are thought to transmit the virus,
2) re-enforcing physical distancing requirements; and
3) offering protection for students when masks are removed while eating or snacking when indoors. They will be cleaned as part of the normal classroom cleaning procedure.
We realize that many of you may be concerned about your own financial position during these uncertain days. However, if you are in a position to do so, we hope you would consider supporting the Princeton Montessori school community and the many investments we have made to ensure the safety of all of our students.