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Safety Comes First

By September 6, 2024All Programs
Princeton Montessori School holds the safety and security of our students as our highest priority. On an annual basis, school leadership reviews procedures and practices to ensure we are in alignment with best practices of independent schools. Here is a summary of our ongoing safety and security advancements.
Over the last five years, we have modernized our school’s safety and security in the following ways:
  • All doors to the building are locked at all times.
  • The front desk is staffed from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM daily.
  • Card Access System – A swipe card door access system installed at certain entrance doors to allow more secure entry and exit to the building, as well as tracking and remote control via an app.
  • Security cameras have been installed on school grounds with greater capability and connected to a phone app for remote retrieval and viewing.
  • Main entrances are constantly monitored by the front desk personnel.
  • Created an Emergency Management Team (EMT) that meets regularly to ensure they are prepared to lead in a crisis and maintain daily best practices around security when on duty.
  • Contracted a professional review of our Crisis Management Plan by an industry expert, as well as review by local authorities, to ensure our school follows best practices.
  •  Provided active shooter training for all faculty and staff, so they are prepared to act in case of an emergency.
  • Implemented a visitor screening process to ensure all visitors are screened prior to entering the building.
  • Invited our insurance company to review the grounds and building to make recommendations on additional safety and security precautions to implement.
  • Ensured roll call and student attendance is consistently taken at transition times to ensure student whereabouts and safety.
  • Improved training for front desk receptionists, and reduced the number of individuals in this role to ensure familiarity with our parents and adherence to our safety procedures.
  • Installed additional loud speakers to ensure greater audio reception of emergency announcements.
  • Ensured all faculty and administrative leadership are trained in CPR, Epipen administration, and First Aid and key administrators are trained to handle a situation when the nurse is not on site.
  • Updated our student allergy protocols and communication to faculty and staff regarding allergy students and their known allergens.
  • Implemented a third-party student health information management software, Magnus Health, to modernize health record keeping and form tracking.
  • Increased the number of drills we perform annually and types of drills we do to be best prepared for a variety of emergencies.
  • Built relationships with our neighbors on either side to support us in a true emergency.

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