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School Spirit Day & Community Service Event

By February 16, 2023All Programs, Community Service

School Spirit Days are joyous celebrations of our school community

Primary through Middle School students gathered together to celebrate our second School Spirit Day. This year our Spirit Days are all about “Ripples”, and what we mean when we talk about a “ripple effect”. On School Spirit Day we came together in the Crescendo room to complete the TASK Community Service project which was organized by the Parent Association. Mrs. VonWachenfeldt explained a little bit about the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen and how this amazing organization serves meals to everyone who comes through its doors, no questions asked. They are the only soup kitchen in the Trenton area open 6 days a week, including most holidays.

Next, it was time to get to work putting together take-home meal bags to donate to TASK. Over the past few weeks, families donated food, Primary decorated bags, and Lower Elementary made cards and sorted all of the food.Upper Elementary and Middle School students led the bag assembly project during Spirit Day with the help of parent volunteers. Each student was invited to fill up a meal bag. Middle School students packed up the finished bags and Parent Association Community Service Chair, Providence More, delivered the bags to TASK.  Middle School students closed School Spirit Day with a performanceCommunity Service projects are one way our school comes together to turn ripples into waves! Thank you to the parents for your generous donations, to the Parent Association Community Service Chair, Providence More for organizing this event, to the parent volunteers, and to the entire school community for helping to make this event a great success!

Spirit Days happen 4 times a year, and the community wears our school shirts or colors, and Primary, Elementary, and Middle School students, teachers, and staff come together for a special community gathering. 

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