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One Little Owl Uncategorized

One Little Owl

The full-day Toddler SummerQuest students had a very special visitor for circle-time. HOS, Mrs. Morrison, came to read the book "One Little Owl" to the children.  . The book is the third children’s book out…
July 27, 2017
SummerQuest is Amazing! Uncategorized

SummerQuest is Amazing! SummerQuest at Princeton Montessori School is a wholesome, stimulating, nurturing experience. Children are having a blast enjoying the great outdoors, crafts, special field trips and visitors, theater, friendships, and favorite traditions like gardening, building…
July 14, 2017
Registration for SummerQuest 2022 is now open! Get an Early Bird Savings if you register by April 15th.
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