Lower Elementary
In Lower Elementary, 2nd-grade students have the opportunity to develop their leadership and public speaking skills by presenting a lesson to their peers in the classroom; these are called “Leadership Lessons”. To prepare, students must select a topic they are interested in and complete research on that topic. Then, they decide how they will present the information and what activity their ‘students’ will complete to demonstrate their learning. Finally, they practice and then give the lesson before reflecting on how the lesson went.
Over the last few days, we have had a few Leadership Lessons in LE. Audrey taught the class about lions, Mira shared facts about tigers, and Eva brought her guinea pig to school to teach her classmates about guinea pigs. They did an experiment to see what food Vinny (the guinea pig) liked best.
As part of our Biology curriculum, Lower Elementary is studying Annelids, with the main focus on earthworms. Our students collected dozens of earthworms from the school compost pile and built “worm hotels” to observe how the earthworm burrows alter the physical structure of soil, increasing the soil’s nutrient and organic level with their castings and tunnels.