The Lower Elementary years see the development of social awareness, language transition, and collaborative learning. Each day is a new adventure!
Every year at this time the third-year Primary students have the opportunity to visit Lower Elementary (LE) to see what the next step looks like. Students connect one-on-one with a 2nd grader. It is a great way for the students to get to know each other and check out LE.
The Primary students enjoy connecting with their 2nd-grade buddies in this “moving up” program. The Lower Elementary teachers designed a creative way to introduce third-year students to Lower Elementary. Each third-year Primary student is paired with a buddy from 2nd grade to get to know one another, take a tour of Lower Elementary, play a math game, and hear a story read by a LE student. The 2nd graders also write the Primary children thoughtful notes introducing themselves and sharing one thing they love about Lower Elementary.
It was a great opportunity for the two communities to come together!