Last week, the Upper Elementary students received a letter and a questionnaire from a Montessori school in Vermont, inviting them to participate in the “Great Mail Race.” They were honored and excited to keep the tradition going. Our 5th graders researched Montessori schools with upper elementary programs across the country and zeroed in on one school in each state. They then wrote a cover letter, filled in a questionnaire on our school traditions and fun facts about our state, and attached a blank questionnaire for other schools to fill out.
The Great Mail Race, conceptualized by two social studies teachers in 2007, aims at providing an opportunity to see how connected and varied the lives of their fellow Americans could be. Through the project, the students learn the etiquettes of letter writing, mapping skills and the culture of other Montessori schools across the country. Every recipient school is encouraged to send it to 50 other schools including one back to the school that invited them to join the race. Our fifth graders are eagerly looking to receive mails back from these far-away schools! Read more about the Great Mail Race