The Lower Elementary years see the development of social awareness, language transition, and collaborative learning. Each day is a new adventure!
Every year at this time the third year Primary students have the opportunity to visit Lower Elementary to see what the next step looks like. This year the students connected one-on-one for a virtual visit. It was a great way to visit safely and for the students to get to know each other and check out LE!
The Primary students enjoyed connecting with their 2nd-grade buddies in this new “moving up” program via Zoom. The Lower Elementary teachers designed this creative way to introduce third-year students to Lower Elementary without physically being in the classroom. Each third-year Primary student was paired with one or two buddies from 2nd grade and these friends became penpals. The 2nd graders wrote their third-year buddies a lovely note introducing themselves and letting them know one thing they loved about LE. This pen pal letter was included in a folder that was given to the third-year students before their Zoom meeting, along with a mini “work plan”, a handwriting sheet, a creative writing sheet to write their pen pal back, and a solar system activity.