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 Maple Sugaring

By March 11, 2025Primary

PMonts parent, Jonathan, parent of Theodore (Primary) and Juliette (Elementary), visited the Primary program to give a demonstration on tapping a maple tree for sap. He first reviewed with them the parts of a tree, the significance of sap for a tree (likening it to blood in an animal’s body), and the process of making maple syrup.The children then went outside to a maple tree planted on campus over 12 years ago to observe as Mr. Hopkins drilled a hole, installed a spile, and hung a lidded bucket from the spile to start collecting sap. Sap started dripping from the drilled hole almost immediately, and the excitement was palpable!The Primary students are monitoring the tree daily and collecting any sap that has gathered in the bucket, and eventually, they will boil it down in order to make a modest amount of maple syrup. This is an experience and a process the Primary students are sure to remember for years to come. Thank you, Mr. Hopkins!



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