The Toddler children have been enjoying new holiday work as well as old favorites.
The weather has been nice enough to get outside almost every day!
In the Primary program, children use our Montessori puzzle maps to begin to build their knowledge of geography.
Third year Primary students enjoy art class in a way that allows for safe cohorting while students explore various art techniques. Each week, Mrs. Stolzer creates a video and art kit for the children to use. While watching the video, students are introduced to a topic connected to the Primary Geography curriculum. They began the year learning about animals of North America and have now moved around the globe to discover the art and life of South America.
Birthdays are celebrated in the Primary classroom with a very meaningful classroom tradition. The birthday celebration is a concrete way for Primary children to understand the months of the year and to see how the earth revolves around the sun each year of their life. This child is getting ready to walk around the candle (the Sun) four times since he is celebrating his fourth birthday!
The child’s classmates also asked him questions about his favorite things.