Our toddler program is designed specifically for the 18-month-old to three-year-old child. The student’s language and thought processes are supported by sensorial learning materials designed to develop pre-writing, mathematical, linguistic, and practical life skills. Activities are purposefully designed to develop a sense of wonder, natural curiosity, motor skills, self-esteem, social skills, and cognitive processes.
Work is positioned around the room for toddlers to choose independently. Each activity deals with a particular theme, skill, or subject of value to toddler development. These activities allow toddlers to begin to experience concepts of sequence, form, shape, movement, and sound. The activities change and evolve as the child grows physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
Toddlers very much enjoy learning practical skills. Being able to do things for themselves creates an instantaneous surge of pride at this age.
The children are experiencing dramatic changes in body and brain to support the emergence of a wide array of motor, perceptual, and intellectual capacities. The use of language is emerging as toddlers begin to use their words to communicate. Montessori teachers are trained to embrace this emerging independence and create opportunities for them to safely make choices in their classwork and learn emerging social skills.
At Princeton Montessori School we allow our surroundings to influence lessons. For example, having parents which are expecting the birth of another child, gives us an opportunity to instruct the children on welcoming a new sibling. Learners want real information and real vocabulary.
Art activities build eye-hand coordination, vocabulary, focus and concentration, independence, and care of the environment.