We have a unique offer from Cherry Valley Cooperative Farm to share with our parents! This year, Cherry Valley Cooperative is making its 2018 Farm Share Program (CSA) available to Princeton Montessori School families in recognition of our relationship with them through our ‘Farm to School’ initiative, led by the Parent Association.

This ‘Farm to School’ initiative aligns so beautifully with our Montessori value of connecting children to the earth and becoming good stewards of its gifts and bounties. By participating in this offer, you become a member of a growing family of conscious consumers of fresh, local food! Signing up early helps the farm get a jump-start on the growing season. If there is enough interest from the school, shares will be delivered directly to Princeton Montessori School. SIGN UP
Thank you to the Parent Association for continuing to add mission-friendly value to our community! Please direct any questions to Alex Cardona, Parent Association Farm to School Program Chair, at Cardona.alexander@gmail.co