The Upper Elementary class had a special visitor come and share information and insights about her profession. Sabi’s mom, Susana, gave a presentation to the students about her journey to become a pediatric anesthesiologist. The students really enjoyed her informative presentation, and asked a lot of thoughtful and inquisitive questions. Her overall message to them was to dream big, try hard, and be your best!–Dr. Choi-Shields wrote a very complimentary note about her time with the students.
–Hi Bridget,–Thanks so much for the pics and the opportunity to come join the class!I was really floored by the depth of some of the students’ questions:– can anesthesia hurt the brain?– can anesthesia cause a coma?– can you give too much anesthesia?– can you just put part of the body to sleep and not your whole self?– how do you know when someone is really sleeping?– are our brains unique because of our neurons?– have you ever felt bad about giving someone anesthesia?– what was your favorite surgery?–It seriously felt like multi-disciplinary rounds with ethics reps! I’m thrilled that Sabi has peers who are so intellectually curious! Of course the absolute best part was at the end when some pretended to sneeze out their brains with the brain-shaped erasers I gave them. Still kids!Please let them know I thought they were uniformly fantastic!–Thanks,Susana