This year we have offered talks for parents from Toddler through Elementary, focusing on parenting skills that complement the Montessori philosophy. We will cap off our parenting series with a Book Discussion. All parents are encouraged to attend as you will leave with valuable, concrete advice regardless of the age of your child.
Join us March 30th for a Parent Development session based on the timely and meaningful message given in the book ‘How To Raise An Adult‘. Author, Julie Lythcott-Haims, wrote this book after working as dean of freshman for Stanford University and seeing the negative impact of over parenting on a generation of young adults.
“Relevant to parents of toddlers as well as twenty somethings and of special value to parents of teens – this book is a rally cry for those who wish to ensure that the next generation can take charge of their own lives with competence and confidence.” – From the book cover
Lisa Stolzer, Lower Elementary teacher, will facilitate the discussion. Come to discover what we are doing well, and how we can work together to learn to do better for our children. Connect with like minded parents for some discussion and socialization. The pitfalls of over parenting begin early and have lasting impact. This book will help with working toward healthy parenting that allows your child to solve their own problems, resolve conflict, develop determination and resiliency, and make mistakes they can learn from.