Spring has finally arrived! Trees are sprouting, the birds are singing, the breeze is blowing, and it is warm and sunny! It is the perfect time to be outside for work and play.
The children in the Pansy Room planted pansies, beans and several different types of herbs in the new raised bed behind the Primary wing.
The Toddlers planted flowers, tomatoes, basil and beans, and lovely planters for the patios. Many thanks to Blooms and Procaccini Landscaping for donating the plants!
The Upper Elementary Ecology class harvested garlic from their hydroponic planter and scallions from the garden for an after-school cooking project. They also planted potatoes. Did you know you can grow potatoes from potatoes? The students planted old potatoes that had started to sprout and within 2 weeks they will check for green shoots. These will grow into bushy plants, and after 3 months or so, new spuds will develop below ground.