Did you know? Each month, Middle School has hosted a career speaker where a current parent or friend of the school comes in and shares information and insights about their profession with the MS students. To date, the students have learned about graphic design, pediatric dentistry, pharmaceutical research, book publishing, finance and risk management, molecular biology, computer science, veterinary medicine and chemistry. Quite a range of professions! Each speaker talked about their journey – what led them to choose their career, their education, pros and cons of their profession, and what their daily work is like. In addition, the students had an opportunity to do an activity or experiment, and also had time to ask questions.
The final presentation of the year was hosted by Chanelle Jumper, PH.D., a chemist at Princeton University and mother of Shayla in the Primary program. Chanelle spoke about what made her decide upon a career in chemistry, and showed the students several demonstrations illustrating chemical reactions. Then, students were able to build their own molecular models. The students were curious, asked questions, and were able to make connections between what they are learning in their science curriculum and the real-world application presented by Ms. Jumper.
Next year, Middle School will once again host career speakers each month. If you are interested, keep an eye out for more information and the sign-up sheet to be shared in early September.