A few important reminders about our SummerQuest drop-off and pick-up procedures. Our main concern is always the safety of our students so the traffic procedures are intentionally designed to ensure the cars flow in an orderly fashion.
Following are a few important reminders for the childrens’ arrival and dismissal:
For safety reasons, children should always enter and exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle, facing the sidewalk. Ideally, families should adjust their child’s car seat so the child is sitting on the passenger side of the vehicle. This aids in the staff’s ability to help your child to safely exit or enter the car, and also promotes independence in the children.
Morning greeting begins at 8:20 AM. For morning arrival, the teachers will come out to greet at 8:20 AM. A teacher or administrator will open the car door, help your child get out, and then guide them to walk independently into the school. Please remain in your car. You also have the option to park in the Toddler lot and walk with your child to the main circle, where they will be greeted by a teacher or admin. Please do not leave cars running while unattended.
Students are dismissed beginning at 2:45 PM (unless they stay for our after-school programs) During the summer, families may choose to pick up from the car line, or by walking to the main circle. If walking, please park your car in the toddler lot, walk to the mail circle, then wait for a teacher or admin to walk your child to you. Please do not leave cars running while unattended.
At dismissal, when in the car line, parents should remain in their car, and teachers or admin will open the door and help your child to get in. If you find it is taking your child longer to get themselves settled once in the car, please pull into a parking space and make necessary adjustments. This way, the line can keep moving.
Each family should have received a car sign with their child’s name. When picking up, please hold the sign-up or display it on your dash at dismissal to help us identify who you are picking up.
Do not leave your car parked and unattended at the main circle. Always find a parking space if you need to get out of your car for any reason. Under no circumstances should a child be left unattended in a car.
Practice patience! For safety, please keep your speed down and allow a few extra minutes.
Observing these guidelines will help move things along in an orderly fashion, and ensure the children remain safe. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!