An Amazing Summer!
SummerQuest is an exciting experience – ripe with discovery, creativity, and abundant fun both indoors and out. Along with daily activities that include art, music, science, and cooking, the children enjoy weekly water play days, swimming lessons, as well as special guest visits, and field trips.
The vegetable garden is thriving! Over the summer the children picked green beans, peppers, lettuce, beets, carrots, bunching onions, tomatoes, and squash. Plenty of fresh, organic vegetables for our SummerQuest families! The Primary students planted watermelons, peas, sunflowers, and pumpkins which should keep providing a bountiful crop into the Fall. In addition, the wildflowers of Sally’s Garden, which surrounds the vegetable garden, are flourishing under the careful eyes of Gery Juleff and Ralph Andujar.
Some highly anticipated annual events are the 4th of July parade, a visit from the local fire department, and the Summer Olympics!
The PCTE adult learners lined up in the Summit foyer hallway and cheered for the Olympic athletes as they followed the torch and made their way into the ‘arena’ for the Bug Olympics!
Primary enjoyed a visit from Color Me Hoopy, and tried their new hula hoop skills on the playground. They took a field trip to Terhune Farms and had a blast feeding the farm animals, playing on all the farm equipment, and enjoying a donut and cider snack!
Additional special events this year included Family Fun Day, a Bikes and Trikes Extravaganza, and an Art-themed Carnival Day! On Family Fun Day parents joined their children on the Primary playground for water play and the Kona Ice Truck! For the Bike and Trike Extravaganza, children were invited to bring in their bike, trike, or scooter to school and ride around a special course created in the lower parking lot! There was a filling station, a bike wash, a bridge, and open road to travel!
Carnival Day provided plenty of old-fashioned fun with an artistic twist! There was a Piet Mondrian Zig-zag Maze, a Claude Monet Matching Duck game, an Andy Warhol Soup Can Knockdown, and Pablo Picasso Par Golfing, to name a few.