The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970. The idea was to raise awareness about our role in protecting our natural world and to educate and inspire people to protect the environment. Students at all levels can make a difference in helping our earth.
Children in the Primary Pansy room participated in a litter hunt activity for Earth Day.
Toddler students planted beans and will watch the growing process in the weeks ahead.
Middle School students continued discussions about consumption and waste and about the use and lifecycle of plastics. Students then could choose to participate in a “Trash Carry,” during which they collected all of the garbage and recycling that they created in a day and brought it to school. They then weighed it and talked about how paying attention to what you’re wasting goes a long way toward minimizing consumption and waste. In all, the 10 students who participated only generated 3.4 lbs of combined garbage and recycling across a day!