Halloween Details:
To celebrate Halloween, Primary, Elementary, and Middle School students participate in the annual costume parade on Thursday, October 31 at 8:45 am (Toddler children do not participate in the parade). Parents are invited to stay for the parade after drop-off. The children will walk around the semi-circle with their class. Following the parade, Mr. Mitnick will lead a short sing along for Primary and Lower Elementary students and parents.
Primary children should wear their costumes over their clothes so that they can easily be removed after the parade, while Elementary children can *bring *clothes in a bag to change into after the parade. We request that costumes are tasteful and do not restrict a child’s movement. No masks or play weapons of any sort, please!(Toddler students will not wear costumes.)
You can drop your child off as usual or feel free to park your car and walk your child into the building. (We ask you park in either the lower lot or at the church lot adjacent to ours. We would like to keep the upper lot open for our Toddler families so they can walk their little ones into the building.) Upon arrival, students should proceed to their classroom. Parents are welcome to enjoy a cup of coffee in the main foyer while waiting for the parade to start.