The Upper Elementary students visited the The Old Barracks Museum in Trenton. The museum is not only a State and National Historic Landmark, but it is a center for education in the field of colonial and early American history. The students received a first-person introduction to Revolutionary War military life. They were sent back in time to 1777 where they were recruited into General George Washington’s Army. They learned about life in the barracks as well as the uniforms and weapons. They were prepped for their small pox inoculations and the 18th Century medical practices and treatments were explained and demonstrated.
Domestic life during the American revolution was explained by an 18th Century woman. While men went to the battlefield as soldiers, women stayed behind to tend the house and rear the children. An African American soldier shared his experience of fighting for personal and national freedom. At the end of the program common 18th century toys were explained, and students were invited to play with the toys.