Our Students’ Experience
The 7th and 8th grade students participate in the Montessori Model United Nations every other year and are doing so this year. The conference is in New York City and involves connecting with hundreds of other Montessori students from around the world! This year, our students represented Chile, so they learned about world issues through the lens of Chile’s priorities and culture.
The skills they developed that will serve them in adulthood:
Research, public speaking, collaboration, perspective, inclusion, organization, world view, problem-solving
The experiences they had:
Pre – Conference:
• Research
• Work in committees
• Write position papers
At the conference:
• Work in UN replica committees with other school groups
• Write resolutions
• Present resolutions to all attendees
The MMUN Mission
Our goal is to inspire youth. MMUN students formulate, present, debate, and revise positions on current issues that are affecting people of the world. By assuming the perspectives of a citizen of their selected countries, MMUN students not only develop an understanding of the needs and rights of others, but also learn the respect the cultures, the political views, and the belief system of others.
Two things that set a Montessori Model UN experience apart:
• A focus on process and collaboration, no emphasis on competition
• Adherence to the negotiation and communication style of Ambassadors in the United Nations.
To find out more about Montessori Model United Nations visit their website.
While the 7th and 8th graders were at the MMUN, the 6th grade students:
• Worked on a variety of projects that supplemented their curriculum
• Had a Spanish immersion day, including lunch at a Spanish restaurant
• Enjoyed a Spanish scavenger hunt in Princeton