Raising Digital Natives:
What’s New? What’s Now? What’s Next?
Virtual Parent Education Presentation LINK
Wednesday, December 8, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
It can be daunting being a parent in these digitally-driven times, where our children were born digital natives and as parents, we’re desperately trying to keep up. Join Katie LeClerc Greer, a nationally-recognized digital safety expert, to update parents on the latest tech trends, safety issues, and tips on how to help our children to have a productive, healthy relationship with technology. Come learn what’s developmentally appropriate and what’s next when it comes to your children and technology.
About the Speaker
Katie’s journey as an internet safety keynote speaker started off with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, where, as the Director of Internet Safety, she was directly involved with the development of one of the first internet safety programs ever. From there, she transitioned into working with the Massachusetts State Police as an Intelligence Analyst. The internet was a mysterious, gargantuan force that made people nervous (“What’s happening next?”) so she developed an educational program that helped to put people at ease while keeping communities safe.
Since her days working with law enforcement, Katie has created her own approach to internet safety that realistically considers the appeal of technology for people of all ages. Her keynote speaker work has led to features in USA Today, TIME Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Parents Magazine, the Meredith Vieira Show, the O’Reilly Factor, CNN, Inside Edition and More. She is also a contributor to ModernMom and an advisory board member on the Internet Keep Safe Coalition.
Katie has helped to shape the minds and policies of hundreds of thousands of students, parents, and people across North America. She has spoken at schools big and small and advised governments and private agencies as they develop their own policies.
Now pursuing a Ph.D in Criminology with an exploration on teens and the internet, she is determined to push our lopsided relationship with technology to one of balance.
Important Information about this Presentation
This adult/parent presentation is for people over the age of 18; no exceptions will be made to this policy. No recording or streaming of this programs is allowed. The meeting link shall be made available to the school/organization members ONLY and shall not be shared outside of the school/organization. All materials used in the presentation are protected by applicable copyright laws and are the property of Katie Greer and cannot be reproduced without the permission of Katie Greer.