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School News

Stay up to date with all the news and happenings at Princeton Montessori!
Toddlers Love Spring Toddlers

Toddlers Love Spring

Spring is finally here! “A child, more than anyone else, is a spontaneous observer of nature” ~ Maria Montessori Our toddlers are enjoying more time outside going for walks, learning about and planting tulip bulbs,…
April 1, 2021
Lower Elementary Snapshot Elementary

Lower Elementary Snapshot

Newspaper Engineering - LE STEM Activity Lower Elementary students completed a Design Squad Global Challenge to build Strong Newspaper Structures.  They divided into groups of 3-4 students and were given newspapers, magazines, cardboard, and…
March 30, 2021
Toddler Snapshot Toddlers

Toddler Snapshot

Our Toddler program, designed for children from 18 months through 3 years, lays the foundation for the adult each child will become. Activities are purposefully designed to develop a sense of wonder, natural curiosity, motor…
March 11, 2021
Registration for SummerQuest 2022 is now open! Get an Early Bird Savings if you register by April 15th.
Explore SummerQuest  ›