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School News

Stay up to date with all the news and happenings at Princeton Montessori!

Montessori for Generations

We are delighted that many of our alums are now parents of our current students. They are excited to be able to offer their children some of the benefits they received when they themselves were…
December 8, 2015

Mini Holiday Concert

Amy and Adrian Banner, parents of Zachary and Carina, paid a special visit to the students in Lower Elementary and the Rose room to share some Hanukkah music. (more…)
December 8, 2015

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

This year we hope to enhance our outdoor environments to allow all our students additional opportunities to learn and play outside. One of the specific requests for this year’s Wants-n-Wishes is a greenhouse! (more…)
December 3, 2015

Jewelry Sale Fundraiser!

Jill Turndorf, a local artisan of fine handcrafted jewelry and alumni parent, will be selling her jewelry as a fundraiser for Princeton Montessori School, with 80% of the purchase price of each piece going directly…
December 3, 2015

Primary Insight Tour

Join us for an Insight Tour of the Primary program.  You will have the opportunity to observe the children learning, creating, and collaborating within their community. (more…)
December 3, 2015

Wants-n-Wishes Telethon!

Please call in to support our school and all our students! Your tax-deductible donation will allow us to provide an exciting array of outdoor equipment and programs to fulfill theWants-n-Wishes of our teachers. (more…)
November 23, 2015

Mark Your Calendar

Learn from developmental specialists what the key issues, drive, and sensitivities are for the infant and toddler aged child. Explore what parenting techniques work best in creating a happy, harmonious home and a highly functioning…
November 13, 2015

Practical Life

The Middle School students received a visit from Mark Smith, the Director for the Crisis Ministry of Mercer County. This is the organization that the school collected donations for at the ice cream social. (more…)
November 12, 2015
Registration for SummerQuest 2022 is now open! Get an Early Bird Savings if you register by April 15th.
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