Our Primary program, designed for children ages 3 to 6, offers an academically-enriched atmosphere within a well-ordered social community. Intellectual and social development flourish in this multi-age, three-year cycle. Through the use of carefully prepared materials and activities, children grow in personal independence, concentration, self-motivation, and develop a genuine love of learning.

Students in the Primary program learn through the use of many manipulative classroom materials. The Binomial Cube is a Montessori “work” in the Primary program. The cube itself physically represents a mathematical equation, which is (a + b)³ = (a + b) (a + b) (a + b) = a³ + 3a²b + 3ab² + b³. This work challenges the child to find patterns and relationships between the blocks.
Above: Max and Artie worked together to complete the bank layout, the association of quantity and symbol for units, tens, hundreds and thousands as part of the decimal system. Max worked on constructive triangles which give children an experience in plane geometry by showing that when joining different triangles they can form other figures or shapes.