Montessori at Home
Thank you for all the photos and videos!
It was a great to stay connected during this remote learning experience!
Primary students are keeping busy! Aaryav does dynamic addition with the stamp game, John works on his number roll, Skylar works on labeling Australian animals.

Sabi’s has a greenhouse that currently 12 different things growing – from carrots, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers – all from seeds. She checks on them every single day. Her parents attribute her green thumb to everything she learned in PMonts After School program!

Yian works one-on-one with his teacher during a Zoom lesson, shows her his Lego creation and gets ready to hang his bird feeder.

Zoha’s and Oliver celebrate their birthday celebrations with their classmates on Zoom.

Zoha sings a special song for her friends.
The 5th-grade students connected with the rising 3rd graders for an informal Q&A session to share highlights of Upper Elementary. LE students came prepared with questions to ask and it was a great way to connect with the upcoming class.

The Upper Elementary students finished off their Greek mythology elective with a little bit of an improvisational exercise. They hosted a “Zoom Meeting of the gods and goddesses” and worked through the inquiry: “What if all the gods and goddesses were quarantined right now, too?” Students came in character as their favorite Greek god or goddess, and were invited to dress the part. They didn’t resolve any long-standing conflicts in Greek mythology, but they certainly had a lot of laughs!

Nolan has been keeping very busy riding his bike, working on counting work, painting rocks and juicing oranges!

He enjoys playing with big brother Maxwell and showing his teacher his pig picture on Zoom.

Sagey does washing work during Todder Zoom time and Gavin focuses on his rock painting.

TJ paints rocks with Mrs. Soto.
The Elementary After School students worked on magic projects for the week, culminating with a Magic Show!