SummerQuest is winding down!
Through these beautiful days of summer Toddlers continue with a consistent and familiar daily schedule. The consistency of the work period helps them build security and trust . It also helps them create new schemas, and practice skills that they need in every day life.
The Primary SummerQuest students examined the fascinating world of flowers and insects in the garden. They learned about the parts of a flower and a wide variety of flowers, planting their own flowers and making seed balls from mud to plant at home. The children were amazed with the discovery of so many insects found in our own garden, and found out what is considered an insect, and studied their parts and their lifecycle.
The elementary summer students continue exploring world cultures. They talked about France and watched a documentary about Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny, France. Each child created a canvas version of Monet’s famous water lilies. They also ventured out to the Princeton Art Museum. Keeping with the study of France, the students made trioramas of Paris at night, complete with the Eiffel tower and clay coil pots using natural clay similar the the clay used in French pottery.
Next stop on their adventure was Senegal, Africa. The students listened to a video of Senegales drumming and then all tried their hand at creating rhythms with a drum. Since Senegal is on the Atlantic side of the continent of Africa, fishing is an important industry to local people the children created mosaic fish scenes to emphasize the importance of the fishing industry. They explored the indiginous animals of Africa and created animal masks.
One of the most popular choice work activities in Elementary is sewing. The students have made elaborate puppets, pillows and purses. Choice work time is one of the favorite times of the day for the children because they can follow their individual preferences and interests in creative ways. Other favorites are water play days and swim days!