I love Princeton Montessori Middle School because…
It is a great place
My friends are kind to one another
I know the expectations
The teachers support me with my homework if I have trouble
The classes are small
My mom works here and I get to see her everyday
My favorite thing to learn is…
When we learn with hands-on activities
A Montessori classroom is…
A great place to learn
Hands-on lessons and small group lessons
Friendly and open
A place where I feel safe
A fun working place
How would you describe our program to a teacher in another level?
We have group, hands-on learning opportunities
It utilizes hands-on and interactive learning to make independent student
It is very hands on
It is a very nice place to be. The teachers are very nice and understanding.
When I enter Humanities the first thing I do is…
Sit down and read Miss Pinciotti’s board for what we will do that day
Look at the board and prepare for class
Copy down my work to do for the day
Looking back on my middle school years I will remember …
The great friends I have made
The interactive experiences
How I laughed with my friends
All of my great friends and the memories I made with them