Parenting the Elementary Child
Thursday, February 2, 8:45 – 10:00am OR 7:00 – 8:30pm
Invite a friend! This talk is free and open to the public.
An opportunity to learn from developmental specialists what the key issues, drive, and sensitivities are for the Elementary aged child and what parenting techniques work best in creating a happy, harmonious home and a highly functioning child and to share with other parents stories, experiences, and challenges in seeking advice from tried and true parenting. Montessori Principles will be explored, as well as Positive Discipline Techniques and common issues of the age. This presentation will tie in a discussion on the discussion book: How To Raise An Adult : what it takes to raise a healthy, happy, and highly functioning adult. Learn how gaining perspective in parenting can ensure you are providing learning experiences and growth for your child as they take daily steps toward becoming the adult you are raising!