TODDLER: Teachers will recognize Valentine’s Day during the children’s snack time. There will not be a valentine exchange in the Toddler program.
PRIMARY: Children should bring in one handmade Valentine card for reading at the Valentine’s Day celebration. The Valentine should express the child’s feelings of love for his/her family, school, teachers, animals or friends, etc. Personal Valentines may be sent from home; they will not be distributed at school due to time limitations. Our celebration will consist of sharing healthy treats and reading the children’s Valentines. Special nutritious treats are welcome.
LOWER ELEMENTARY: Children are invited to exchange Valentine cards, either handmade or purchased, with all of their classmates–there are 16 children in the classroom. Children should sign their cards and not address them to specific children. Special nutritious treats are welcome.
UPPER ELEMENTARY: Students celebrate Valentine’s Day by sharing compliments and acknowledgements with each other in their community meeting. They will share a special community treat, but students do not exchange Valentine cards.
MIDDLE SCHOOL: Middle School students honor Valentine’s Day by learning the history of the holiday and sharing compliments and acknowledgments with each student in our community.