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Eighth Grade Spotlight

By February 22, 2024Alumni

Weekly feature spotlighting each of our Eighth graders which asks them to reflect on their Middle School experiences and share some of the highlights and what they are most proud of.

Meet Grant Berness

What is one of your favorite highlights from the middle school program?

One highlight of the middle school program is all of the amazing opportunities that are available to the students. One particularly memorable experience was our trip to Spain. This trip was truly special and unique because it’s not something that many other middle school programs offer. Traveling to Spain was an eye-opening experience for me. It allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and immerse myself in a completely different culture. I found myself navigating through unfamiliar surroundings, trying new foods, and interacting with people whose way of life was different from my own. As a result of this trip, I gained a newfound sense of confidence and awareness. I became more open-minded and understanding of different cultures and perspectives. 

What skill(s) did you develop thanks to your Montessori/IB education that are you most proud of? 

Throughout my time in middle school, I’ve had the opportunity to develop a crucial IB skill that I know will serve me well in the future: communication. In the IB Program and Montessori, I have learned how to communicate and talk to adults in intellectual and casual conversation. This skill has equipped me with an advantage in the outside world and global community as I become an adult. 

One significant example of how IB and Montessori has supported me in developing this skill is through our bike trip experience. During this trip, I had numerous opportunities to interact with different people, such as cashiers, waiters, and everyday individuals. These interactions provided me with practical examples of how to engage in common exchanges and communicate effectively in everyday situations. This opportunity has strengthened my confidence in everyday conversation and communication.

What will you miss the most after you graduate from PMonts?

As I reflect on my time here at Princeton Montessori School, one aspect that I will truly miss are the trips. All of these trips have had profound effects on my confidence and the way I approach everyday life. Each excursion has been a unique adventure, contributing to my personal growth and development in profound ways. For instance, the trip to Spain was a transformative experience. After going to Spain, I was much more confident to try new things and it was easier to feel good about myself. These extraordinary experiences have shaped me into the person I am today. I will miss the school trips the most after graduating.

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