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Multicultural Art Uncategorized

Multicultural Art

This year at Princeton Montessori School our ​art ​theme is Multicultural Art.  A selection of our elementary students' artwork is currently hanging on the Children's floor of the Princeton Public Library. If you are visiting the…
January 9, 2017
Reading Buddies Uncategorized

Reading Buddies

Each year the third year Upper Elementary students have the privilege of being Reading Buddies to the third year Primary students.  They are assigned one or two Primary children to read with each week throughout…
January 6, 2017
Holiday Happenings Uncategorized

Holiday Happenings

December was a month filled with activities! The students participated in community service drives, created holiday creations and participated in many special celebrations. Watch a short video of the fun!
December 15, 2016
Operation Gratitude Uncategorized

Operation Gratitude

Operation Gratitude is an organization who annually sends 200,000+ care packages filled with food, entertainment, hygiene, and handmade items, plus personal letters of appreciation to Veterans, First Responders, New Recruits,  Wounded Heroes, their Care Givers, and…
December 14, 2016
Registration for SummerQuest 2022 is now open! Get an Early Bird Savings if you register by April 15th.
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