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We are all passengers on this flight to a better future for the planet, and ourselves.

Environment and Sustainability

2023-24 Eco Team:

Saharsh Kalappurakal, Grant Berness, Francisco Dos Ramos Carrasco, Mr. Juleff, Amrritha Saminathan, Beatrice Clarke

The Eco team consists of five middle school students who are supported by Mr. Juleff and want to help make our school more sustainable and eco-friendly.

We welcome support or new members from our community.  Contact Mr Juleff if you are interested.

Our goal this year is to influence, educate, and inspire our community to become more sustainable and to make a significant, positive impact on the environment, preserving it for future generations.  We plan to accomplish this by creating inspirational and educational material, presenting information to the community, and completing relevant tasks. We will be presenting to younger students, writing articles for our monthly newsletter, and making short films. 

Mission Statement2022-23 EcoTeam End of Year ReportPMonts Eco CodeWaste Audit and Improvement Plan

PMonts Awarded Eco-Schools USA Green Flag

National Wildlife Program Ecoschools Program

Princeton Montessori joined the NWF Ecoshcools Program at the beginning of the 2022-23 school year. The nation’s largest comprehensive green school program, combining environment-based learning with hands-on experiences, the Eco-Schools program engages students in making their community and the world a more sustainable place to live. For this first year, Middle School students are leading the way, focusing on Learning About Forests, Sustainable Food, and Consumption and Waste Pathways. We have already obtained Bronze and Silver Awards and are hopeful of achieving the Green Fag award before the end of the School year.

Webpage Creators:

Project Manager – Adhya 

Writers – Sawyer and Katherine

Researchers/Advisors – Connor and Karl

Thank to the intrepid students who had the vision and creativity to begin this Sustainability Webpage in 2022!

What Can You Do?

  • Have zero waste after your meals or save as leftovers
  • Start recycling ( if you haven’t already)
  • Implement solar panels/use sustainable energy
  • Use reusable alternatives
  • Go plastic-free
  • Be against products that endanger the environment and/or wildlife
  • Invest in renewable water bottles
  • Be mindful of your food
  • Keep tabs on the usage of your device
  • Reduce paper towel and paper napkin usage

Our Work Ahead

As we continue to make progress on our Environmental Sustainability goals, we seek to engage the community in meaningful discussion and welcome input from students, teachers and members of our community.

What Princeton Montessori School is Doing

At Princeton Montessori School, we understand the importance of the environment. We work hard to educate students about the environment, increase eco-friendly practices on campus, and support local biodiversity. Bonding with and learning about the environment is the first step in saving the planet. Princeton Montessori School has switched our energy source to solar panels to prevent climate change and we are encouraging others to do this as well. Our school is also increasing biodiversity and spreading awareness through a variety of projects and working within the school and with other communities.

What Middle School is Doing

The Middle School Program is working by groups on a variety of projects to help our school and the environment. Our Middle School community is working and collaborating  with other classes within the school, encouraging students to become more involved in our mission which is to create an eco-friendly environment. By working together we can achieve a similar goal and in the end our objective is to complete our mission.
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