Awarded for Exceptional Achievement in Educating for Sustainability

It is rare for a school to achieve this award in their first year in the Ecoschools Program – and we are the first Montessori School in New Jersey to receive it!
To receive the Green Flag, our students and faculty tackled a host of sustainability initiatives that began with forming an Eco-Action team; auditing environmental focus areas; and engaging and building community. These steps led to actions to preserve and enhance biodiversity on campus, reduce waste, and improve the sustainability of the food consumed on campus. All these things raised environmental awareness, connected students to the natural world, improved the school’s environmental footprint, and increased student engagement while saving money for the school. We are looking forward to raising our Green Flag at our first Spirit Day in the Fall!
Congratulations to all those students and staff who worked so hard to achieve this – especially the student-led Ecoteam and Mr. Juleff.
Read the EcoTeam End-of-Year Report
Visit our Environment and Sustainability page.