Did you know the whole school is served by well water and, as a result, we have a chemical sprinkler system in the basement plant room and all sewage is managed onsite in a wastewater treatment system?
In Science, the Middle School students are reviewing the Carbon Emissions report, which was recently done for the school. They are working towards updating the figures, to understand the impact that our solar panels have had, as well as exploring additional energy-saving options for the school.
To better understand their contribution to the school’s carbon footprint, the students have been learning about how the comforts they enjoy in middle school lead to natural gas and electricity consumption. Mr. Andujar, Facilities Manager, and Mr. Meekins, a member of the facilities team, gave the students a tour of the plant room which is located in the basement. The students created posters from what they learned, and presented their understanding of their chosen system.