The Parent Association Community Service Committee organized the 7th Annual School Wide Food Drive for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). TASK feeds those who are hungry in the Trenton area, and offers programs to encourage self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life of its patrons. Below is a letter of appreciation from the Community Service Committee.
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Princeton Montessori Parent Association, we want to extend a big thank you for your generosity that made the 2019 TASK Food Drive a huge success! Together we were able to donate 350 bagged meals and half a dozen boxes of food donations to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). We also want to recognize the hard work of the school’s students for bringing in donations, decorating the meal bags, making handwritten cards, organizing the donations for distribution, bagging the meals, and helping to load the van for delivery. This was truly a team effort — thank you!
“We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of the universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity.” ~ Maria Montessori
The wonderful folks at TASK were most appreciative of our contributions that will help community members facing food insecurity. We hope the annual drive serves as an opportunity for all of us to reflect and be appreciative of all that we have while sharing with those most in need.
Best wishes for a happy & healthy spring,
Alescia Dingle & Desirée Reitknecht
Community Service Committee

The Primary children were quite busy the last couple weeks decorating brown paper bags for the event and the After School Elementary/MS students designed beautiful and thoughtful cards to place inside the bagged meals so that whomever opened it would get a smile. On the day of the event, Lower Elementary students sorted all the food items into categories and the Upper Elementary students assembled the bagged meals. Middle School students carried the bagged meals to the school van for delivery to TASK.

Thank you to the parents for your generous donations, to Desirée Reitknecht, and Alescia Dingle for organizing this event, to the parent volunteers and the entire school community for participating and making it such a success!