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School News

Stay up to date with all the news and happenings at Princeton Montessori!
Scholastic Book Club Elementary

Scholastic Book Club

Elementary and Middle School programs are invited to participate in Scholastic Book Clubs, which means each month students have the opportunity to select and purchase books of interest to them. This addition to our program…
September 14, 2021
SummerQuest is Amazing! Uncategorized

SummerQuest is Amazing!

SummerQuest at Princeton Montessori School is a wholesome, stimulating, nurturing experience. Children are having a blast enjoying the great outdoors, crafts, field trips, and special visitors. Favorite traditions like gardening, building forts, and time for…
July 29, 2021
Summer Adventure Time Uncategorized

Summer Adventure Time

Summer Sun, Summer Fun! The Primary children are enjoying exciting daily activities that include art, music, science, cooking, and gardening! Fitness activities, outdoor games, conquering the slackline, and splash-fest days are all part of the…
June 30, 2021
Summer Fun! SummerQuest

Summer Fun!

Off to a Great Start!  The Toddler children are exploring their indoor and outdoor environments. They continue with a consistent and familiar daily schedule which helps them build security and trust.  They enjoy circle time,…
June 30, 2021
Registration for SummerQuest 2022 is now open! Get an Early Bird Savings if you register by April 15th.
Explore SummerQuest  ›